The benefits of enrolling your child in swimming lessons

Teaching our children to swim is as essential as teaching them to walk. This blog will dive into the five life-changing benefits of enrolling your child in swimming lessons, a decision that will enrich their lives in countless ways and might one day save them.
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Preparing for the first day of childcare

The first day of childcare is a monumental step for any family. With thoughtful preparation, parents can turn potential anxieties into an enriching start to their child's educational journey, setting a tone of resilience and enthusiasm for lifelong learning.
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Why it’s never too early to start reading to your baby

In amongst the feeding, nappy changing, settling, and cuddling – there is another daily habit that you should try to incorporate into your routine with your baby or child – reading books!
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Concerned that your child hasn’t reached certain milestones at the same rate as their peers

As parents, we are often told that all children are different, and learn, grow and develop at their own pace. We know this is true, but despite knowing we shouldn’t, many of us find it difficult not to compare the things our child can do to what their peers might be doing.
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Tips for encouraging creativity in your preschooler

Preschoolers are naturally curious about the world around them. Giving them the time and space to engage in creative activities helps them to experience, experiment and discover new things.
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Signs your toddler is ready for toilet training

Every child is different but here are some common signs that your child is ready to transition from nappies to the potty or toilet.
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The benefits of socialising for babies and toddlers

If you are worried that your baby or toddler isn’t having enough playdates, or attending sufficient toddler classes, don’t.
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Tips on how to teach your child to share

It’s natural, and age appropriate, for toddlers to struggle with taking turns or sharing their toys.
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The link between your child’s screen use and their behaviour

If you’ve noticed that your child is having more meltdowns, acting impulsively, and making poor decisions and/or having issues getting enough sleep, it may be helpful to reassess how much time they spend on screens each day.
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9 science backed strategies to encourage fussy eaters to try new food

If your child is a fussy eater, and mealtimes in your home feel more like a battleground than quality family time, you may take heart in knowing you aren’t alone.
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Play based learning

At Emali Early Learning Centre we are firm believers and advocates for play based learning.
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