Child care subsidy
The Child Care Subsidy Package helps parents with children aged 0 – 13 work, train, study and volunteer. Below is an outline and guide of who can apply and who qualifies for the Child Care Subsidy in Adelaide. You can calculate your CCS subsidy by using the following link: CCS Calculator.
You are eligible for the Child Care Subsidy if you earn less than $533,280 in combined family income. As well as this. You must be undertaking one or more of the following activities for at least 8 hours a fortnight:
- paid work, including being self-employed or on leave (including paid or unpaid parental leave)
- doing unpaid work in the family business
- training courses for the purpose of improving the individual’s work skills or employment prospects
- an approved course of education or study
- volunteering
- unpaid work experience or internships
- actively setting up a business
- actively looking for work.
To apply for the Child Care Subsidy, you will need to provide details, including:
You can submit a new Child Care Subsidy claim using your Centrelink online account through
To find out more and to estimate what your subsidy might be go to: